Give Today Online

Now, more than ever, Catholic Campus Ministry at NC State needs your support. We are a vibrant ministry dedicated to forming and launching young Catholic students who want to change the world for Christ - starting right here on campus in Raleigh. An online recurring donation or one-time gift from you helps our students have all the resources they need - especially the closeness of the Sacraments - to make a gift of themselves to our greater Community.

Donating can be done digitally through PayPal, WeShare, or Venmo. Our Venmo username is @CCM-NCSU. Giving through PayPal and WeShare can be done through the links below.

Thank you for your generosity!

The most cost-effective method to utilize our online donation tool through WeShare is by selecting direct withdrawal (ACH transfer).

To donate through PayPal select the graphic below!


To Donate through Weshare Click the image below or here to access the NC State Catholic Campus Ministry giving portal.